Charles Loloma (1921-1991) is one of the better-known jewelry designers who worked with turquoise and other materials in a Native American fashion. His aesthetic was steeped in the Hopi tradition, his native tribe, but his genius was giving it a contemporary edge, in part by introducing non-traditional Hopi materials like lapis, coral and gold.
World-renowned Loloma authority, Martha Hopkins Struever, wrote, “When I first saw Charles Loloma’s jewelry, in an issue of Arizona Highways in the early 1970s, I was stunned by its beauty. The artist who created these pieces was an extraordinary individual- a person so gifted that if I was going to collect American Indian art, this was someone I wanted to know and whose work I would collect.”
Today, his jewelry is featured in museum collections such as the Heard Museum in Phoenix and the Wheelwright Museum in Santa Fe.